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Treating bronchitis in children

Bronchitis is an infection or inflammation that occurs in the main airways to the lungs or called bronchi. Bronchitis in children can occur when bacterial or viral infections that cause colds, coughs, and sinusitis spread to the bronchi. When bacteria or viruses have settled and proliferated in the bronchi, the airways will swell, become inflamed, and are filled with phlegm. In addition to bacteria and viruses, bronchitis in children can also be caused by allergies and irritation due to pollution, cigarette smoke, and dust fumes.

What are the symptoms?

Acute bronchitis will produce the following symptoms.
  • Coughing that lasts for five days or more.
  • Sputum clear, white, yellow, or green.
  • Chest pain, or pain when coughing.
  • Not always accompanied by a fever, although mild fever may occasionally appear.
In certain conditions, children must immediately get help from a doctor, that is if there is a fever with temperatures above 38ºC accompanied by loss of appetite, shortness of breath, and the body feels achy. These signs can mean a child suffering from pneumonia and require a doctor to get antibiotic treatment. In addition to acute, bronchitis in children also exists that is chronic. Chronic bronchitis in children has the following symptoms:
  • The child experiences a persistent cough accompanied by clear, white, yellow, or green phlegm that occurs for at least three months a year or more than two years in a row.
  • Children sometimes experience wheezing or wheezing and shortness of breath.
  • Feel very much

How to treat it?

Cases of acute bronchitis in children, most can heal themselves within two weeks without treatment. But in certain situations, the doctor will likely give a prescription. Ask for an explanation if the doctor prescribes the following drugs:
  • Antibiotics

  • Most bronchitis in children is caused by a virus so the administration of antibiotics will be in vain. But if the cause is bacteria, then antibiotics are the right answer. Ask this to your doctor so that the administration of antibiotics is not in vain.
  • Cough medicine

  • Phlegm cough has advantages for children who suffer from bronchitis. This type of cough actually helps remove the cause of irritation from the lungs and airways. Parents can give cough medicine to children if coughing makes children unable to sleep. But the use of cough medicine needs to be adjusted to the type of cough. Consult your doctor before giving cough medicine to children. Because, at the age of under 6 years, administration of cough medicine may not be recommended.
  • Other types of medicines

  • Other drugs may be needed especially if the child has allergies, asthma, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Usually, your doctor will recommend the use of an inhaler or other medication to relieve inflammation and constriction in the airways.
In addition to paying attention to the above, the child must be given enough fluids to avoid dehydration and help thin the mucus that causes airway obstruction. If the child continues to be indoors using the air conditioner, provide a humidifier or humidifier to help make it easier for the child to breathe. So that the child's nose is not blocked, give nasal drops to facilitate breathing. Try to get enough children to sleep and make sure the room occupied by children free of dust and cigarette smoke. If needed, support the body with a pillow into a half-sitting position during sleep, to facilitate breathing. Children who suffer from chronic bronchitis may need breathing exercises. In order for optimal training that a child gets, it may take the presence of a therapist. This therapist must master the physiotherapy program for the lungs, which includes training in easier breathing and improving children's abilities in physical activity and exercise.

Prevention Is Always Better

Bronchitis in children can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection, so preventing it can be done by keeping the child away from the cause. Make sure children always wash their hands thoroughly after playing and when they want to eat. Parents must provide good and balanced nutrition to children so that their immune system can work optimally. If necessary, keep the child away from people with bronchitis so as not to become infected. Give children vaccinations according to the immunization schedule, as an effort to prevent disease. What must be done is to keep children away from cigarette smoke, given the high risk of bronchitis in children exposed to cigarette smoke.


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